Musings on 2018

So 2018 is coming to a close. It’s time to start talking about your New Years Resolutions! What’s that you say? You want to lose fat and tone up… But didn’t you say that last year, and in 2016 for that matter?! This is becoming a recurring theme… Well...

How the Health?

Everyone is looking for that magic pill. That next superfood that will be the key to eternal youth, or that exercise guaranteed to make our muscles balloon. Are these things indicative of health? Is this what our bodies really want? Where is the best place for us to...

BOSU Fitness – Good or Bad?

Did you know that BOSU means “Both Sides Up”? I learned that a little while ago. If you aren’t familiar with a BOSU ball, it is like a little slice of a Swiss Ball. One side of it is curved while the other side of it is flat – you can put the BOSU on either of...