10 Minutes Walking to Store Less Fat!

Can a short walk post-meal really make all of the difference?

At least a 10 min walk post meal is one of the most effective times to be active and we don’t just mean for the health of your heart – we are talking about weight loss.

The reasons are simple; repeated hyperglycaemia (increased blood sugar levels) after meals can cause something called hyperinsulinemia (too much insulin in the blood).

This is far more of a problem for diabetics, those that are prone to insulin sensitivity and also the obese population. However, the over-release of insulin is a highly undesirable trait for any us and here is one of the reasons why…

As well as insulin being the most anabolic hormone in the body, it is also a hormone that can assist obesity.

Suppressing hyperglycaemia after a meal will help to suppress insulin hypersecretion and this in turn will help suppress some of the internal fat storage that leads to obesity.

Our blood sugar levels are at their highest roughly 30-60 mins after a meal and at their lowest around 2-3 hours post eating, depending on the individual and the quality of the meal consumed.

Put simply; when we eat and our blood sugar levels rise, the immediate effect of walking straight after takes these sugars and uses them to fuel the activity, shuttling the blood sugar to muscles and to power other processes. This in turn limits the insulin response and therefore fat storage – far more than the number of calories burned on that walk would suggest!

For this to be at its most effective the walking must start before the blood glucose reaches its peak (30-60 mins post-meal).

I have followed World record holding powerlifter and professional bodybuilder Stan Efferding for years and it was his Rhinos Rant on Youtube from last year that brought this to my attention. I started to implement this with my clients and the effects have been impressive! It has helped with numerous aspects of their health; from negating further weight gain, to blood pressure dropping within normal range and even improving sleep quality. This is a fantastic way to get in some added cardio in too and all of the health benefits that brings. In my experience, the effects seemed to be the most pronounced after the evening meal and this is also backed by many studies.

This is a concept that is spreading in the strength community and I can only further advocate it.

In summary: Be ahead of the curve. Help spread the message. Walking is easy and 10 minutes is not long – SO LET’S GET WALKING!

For the science – Stan Efferding. The Science: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3119587

Stay strong,

Coach Fletch.

Author - Fletcher Dalrymple - Personal Trainer & Mentor

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